Monday, May 18, 2020

I Am Interested For Taking Communication Classes - 943 Words

My major is kinesiology but I am very interested in taking communication classes as my electives. I believe that the more you understand people and how they communicate, the better I will be at any job or life interaction that happens down the road. After college I plan to enroll in the military and go directly into officer candidate school to become an officer. My communication skills will be vital upon exciting that program and having to be the designated leader of men who will have much more experience than myself. After that I plan to enroll in Army Ranger Special Forces School and complete that program becoming a highly trained combatant in the process. While is Ranger School I will be asked to choose an area of specialization, mine will be a 68D or medic. Yet again my communication skills with be important, they will mean the difference between life and death. Then I plan to be an Army Ranger and fight the United States’ fights all over the world against small combatant groups, again communication will be the difference in life and death. Once I have had enough of that I plan to enroll in a specialized program in San Antonio where I will attend medical school and graduate in a year and a half of what would take a normal student four years. Communication will be important again because in school how you communicate with your professor’s and other students effect how well your understanding of the subject is. Once completing this program I want to be a Physician’sShow MoreRelatedHow My Major and Minor Will Help in My Endeavors 778 Words   |  3 Pagesbehind this choice is I have always been fascinated by business. I loved my economics classes which fueled my interest for investing and looking at companies and gauging their worth and risk. 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